Monday, November 18, 2013

Boggle Over the Phone

We have passed the mid way point of NaNoWriMo and now more than ever my effort at solidarity with my sister is needed.  She has lost a dear friend this week, one that was a fellow Nanoite at heart.  So as you struggle to find your writer's focus, I will give you a little pep talk.  You keep writing, I will keep up my daily blog.  Need an extra prompt.  I will give you one.  Put a little of her in your writing today.  I don't care what it is, but add a little piece of her.  It could be a birthday dinner at V-Li's or Broken Rocks, a bottle of Dry Soda, a episode of Firefly or Downton Abbey, or perhaps a game of Boggle over the phone.
Just remember this, when we were celebrating New Year's and you couldn't be with us, we played ...Boggle over the phone.  So though you weren't able to be there with us physically we all enjoyed your presence in the words you sent.  So pick a detail and use it for a prompt.  Use her in the details.

Here are some pictures looking at the details.

The details in the dress.

Holding hands.

This delicate sugar butterfly.

Did you notice the bunny was eating?

The details of the bicycle.

Details in the garden.

On the signage.

At the table.

At the fair.

In the home.  Once playing I spy, my brother hid a thimble in here.
It took me a while to catch that detail.
Now take your choice, pick your prompt, but pay attention to the details, not only here in the prompts, but in life.  Got that Z, keep on writing and on top of that keep on living.

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