Monday, April 25, 2022

U is for…Unwanted Guests

One morning when I walked out onto my porch I found sawdust on my flowers.  I looked around and at first I couldn't find a source of where it would have come from.  Then I noticed a perfectly round hole in my porch post plant stand and was more confused.  As I proceeded to investigate, sawdust started falling out of the hole, followed by the back end of a bee.  As much as I like insects, I didn't want a bee living right outside my front door, as well as the fact that I am allergic to bees so I try to avoid unexpected encounters with them.  It was fascinating though so I spent a little time watching the carpenter bee work before I zapped him with some insect spray and filled the hole up with putty.  In that poor bees memory though I made sure to take time to sketch the little home it was working so diligently on.

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