Saturday, April 9, 2022

H is for ...Hiking

I am always, well most always, a sucker for a good hike.  This sketch is one I did while I was hiking a short section of the Appalachian Trail.  I am much more of a day hiker than a through hiker.  I did do a weekend backpacking trip once and had aspirations of doing more, but that never transpired and now I my body doesn't tolerate sleeping on the ground as well as it did when I was young.  

This section of the Appalachian Trail is in the Shenandoah National Park.


  1. Lovely sketch. I've never been on the Appalachian Trail, but perhaps some day.

  2. I used to do a lot of hiking in my younger days. Sometimes I'd go backpacking by myself. I never felt particularly scared and I was never bothered. I'm with you about doing it now. I used to enjoy sleeping in a sleeping bag on the ground. Now I don't know if I could get back up by myself.

    The Shenandoah region is so beautiful. I wouldn't mind living around there, but I don't think I'd ever talk my wife into leaving L.A.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  3. Very nice. You've got a talent for sketching.
    Enjoy the hiking.

  4. i remember being able to sleep on the ground and wake up refreshed... now i wake up in a knot of old roots and gravel. :) Love the sketch, passing through as I run the AtoZ Challenge list. :)

  5. Hiking is what saves my mental health! I'm walking about 3 miles each day, mostly out in nature Lovely sketch of the AT.

