Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Clearing off the Desk

 Well, August has arrived.  It has been two months in this journey I have set out on, to focus on sketching and finishing projects.  The first month was set aside for cleaning and organizing things in my home that I had let get out of control.  The second month was a lot of time sent sketching at camp, as well as a quick trip to visit my sister in Cincinnati with a "side trip" to Nashville to see a play that I had been wanting to see.  Now August is here and it is time to focus on these projects that I wanted to work on...but so far that hasn't produced much...although it is only August 3rd and I did spend the day at mom and dad's mowing their lawn yesterday and then eating supper with them.  

I set up a nice area on my desk last night when I got home last night in efforts to jump start my morning, but I still got a slow start --although I am starting to feel like I am getting somewhere.  One of the projects that I have been meaning to get down for ages, sits beside me on my desk.  I have had trouble proceeding because I have a great fear of messing up, as well as I think I just wasn't sure how to finish the project.  It is for a good friend of mine and she has been waiting two years for it, perhaps she has given up hope, I will ever finish it ---I desperately hope not.  I just finished pencilling in the next page and then the following two page spread was already lightly sketched, it will need painted yet, but that leaves only two two page spreads to fill, I plan to sketch those out today.  I also ordered some purple bookbinding thread to finish the project.  Praying I have it done by next week.  

Also on my desk you can just see the book I am reading this month - God of the Garden by Andrew Peterson.  I was planning to read a book a month this year but have yet to finish one (my year started in June, so it is not quite as bad as it sounds.)  Hopefully I will focus and finish it in the next week or two so I can start on the next one yet this month (and hopefully finish it by the end of the month).  

Some of my adventures of the past weeks:

The Flower Room at Kingwood Gardens.

Quick sketches from Kingwood Gardens.

Aullwood Audobon Troll's Nest. 

One of my sketches from Aullwood.

Janelle working in her garden.  The wildlife kept eating off her starts, so we bought a few more - on big discount since it was so late in the season, and she tried planting them inside chicken wire.

A sketch of Janelle in her garden.  You can see I was great garden help --with a paint brush in my hand.

Sketching Forest Giants at Bernheim.

Janelle and I on the Canopy Walk at Bernheim.

Janelle in the Living Library at Cheekwood.

Awaiting the start of the play that took me to Nashville.  It was excellent by the way --I would recommend it to anyone...but unfortunately it was closing day when I went.

Lincoln's Boyhood Home at Knob Creek.

More Camp Scenes:

Hall of Fame Balloon Launch

While working on my project today, I was writing out the verse from my friends wedding "Let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." Proverbs 3:3. She chose that verse for a wedding, today I chose those words for the prayer of my heart as I go forward this year -- may my love and faithfulness for God and his work in this world never leave me, may I bind them around my neck and write them on the tablet of my heart.  Blessings to all.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures. Best of luck with the editing and writing. Love the trolls nest. Hot air balloons are so beautiful.
    “Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.”
    ―Anne Herbert
    My IWSG blog post discussed my love of originality. I'm looking forward to the bout of books readathon and WEP's flash fiction later this month.
    Life threw me a curveball with a neighborhood crisis this week, but we got through it.
    Winnie the Pooh is the world’s Ambassador of Friendship. In the US, National Friendship Day is the first Sunday of August. #FriendshipDay2022

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Reference& Speculative Fiction Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge
